The following is a collection of improvements and fixes to the latest GibbsCAM 2024 software dating back to GibbsCAM v23.0.44.0
Each option collapses, please click the + or - to collapse or re-expand each section.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing CurrentFlowAxisSet$ returns empty. (62072)(62073)(62074)/(FD-115)
- Resolved an issue causing Toolpath is not created redoing a Face Milling op when facet body is set as stock. (60804)(63702)(63703)/(664527)
- Resolved an issue Posting a blank Basic Probing op crashes GibbsCAM. (60844)(63711)(63712)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim and Op Sim standard views aren't correct when part orientation is changed. (63747)(63748)(63749)
- Resolved an issue causing MDD - Produces inconsistent results with Invalid Rotary Solutions. (63759)(63776)(63777)/(728702)
- Improved basic probing ops can no longer be created unless the G Code text body is filled with anything. (60849)(63792)(63793)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Post Lathe Threading - Produces different G Code cycles for Lathe Threading. (63535)(63544)(63545)
- CambrioNotificationService.exe and CambrioUpdateService.exe are no longer installed nor registered as services. (63573)(63578)(63580)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Insert NC code from file path in Before/After moves shows in Chinese in V24. (63006)(63258)(63259)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Path to OptiCAM DB is in Chinese and incorrect in English GC. (62330)(63604)(63605)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM "online manual" links to HyperMILL manual. (63404)(63608)(63609)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - Manual Feature Recognition using sketches doesn't work anymore. (63378)(63606)(63607)/(719162)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - opening DCD hangs GC indefinitely if any Technology window is open. (63435)(63610)(63611)
- The millturn outputs now show all active and valid axes in interpolation turning in the approach loop. (63499)(63590)(63591)/(FD-380)
- Resolved an issue in COPT - Chamfer feedrate set to Entry Feed, should use Contour Feed as we are cutting material. (61678)(61688)(61689)
- Resolved an issue causing Op validation check is canceling spindle assignment. (61905)(61913)(61914)/(FD-77)
- Resolved an issue causing XVMM COPT disabled field still enabled in GibbsCAM. (56786)(63181)(63182)
- Resolved an issue causing UtilOpCS does not appear to function as a node. (53789)(54159)/(00598028)
- Fixed compost commands for face threading. Aso, added LastCutZ#, a face equivalent of LastCutXRadius#. (61958)(63459)(63460)/(FD-22)
- Updated OptiCAM to 2024.2. (63595)(63596)(63597)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Face threading run-in and run-out X & Z values are swapped. (63453)(63454)(63455)
- Resolved an issue where cannot get tool path to apply when using material only. (NOTE: any Groove7475 op must be redone) (63469)(63476)(63477)/(719530)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Threading > Null and negative "delta pitch" not supported by the GUI. (63495)(63497)(63498)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Threading > Delta pitch value lost in GUI. (63507)(63508)(63509)
- Resolved an issue causing Post engine throws an exception. (63471)(63472)(63473)/(FD-399)
- Resolved an issue causing -lo command line option with file that worked with 23 & fails with 24 and later. (63450)(63451)(63452)
- Resolved an issue in Prime Turning Process - When the "Cut Other Side" is checked (X-) label is not retained at Redo OP. (63500)(63528)(63529)/(721997)
- Resolved an issue with Sync Control window, when double-clicking an Op tile from the Op List. (63297)(63311)/(717113)(717115)
- Resolved an issue causing wrong solution found when "Use Presets, At Op Start" set in the MDD. (63395)(63396)(63397)
- Resolved an issue causing Stepper Style Repeats option generates incorrect toolpath output values for unwrapped cylindrical interpolation. (57978)(61835)
- Resolved an issue causing xVMM - Event Path Overrides only work for a single event per interop. (63148)(63154)(63155)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed xVMM - Small Icon text gets cut off. (58616)(60991)(63279)
- Resolved an issue in Solid Surfacer>Lace Cut - Cuts too deep into the material when using the Lollipop tool. (63243)(63244)(63245)/(716678)
- Resolved an issue causing not registering correct DLL for OptiCAM (as of 2024.2 release) (63265)(63266)(63267)
- Resolved an issue in Thread Milling - Specific value enter on the Top Surface field, incorrectly produces a 2nd Exit in Thread toolpath prior of final Z Depth. (43230)(63289)(63290)/(DTB-99666-865)
- Resolved an issue creating WG stock from more than 1 piece of geometry requires the Solids Import. (62241)(62521)(63292)/(695786)
- Resolved an issue causing Entry and Exit 90° Line has no effect on PrimeTurning toolpath. (63217)(63221)(63222)/(716017)
- Resolved an issue in API - 5-Axis setting of RPM field was overwritten by mem file reading. (63210)(63211)(63212)
- Resolved an issue that could cause bad moves to CP3 following a milling op, with an MDD that has "Reuse Rotary Solutions" on, and ops that use different work areas. (63223)(63228)(63229)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - GC crashes after saving OptiCAM file following this workflow. (62736)(63253)(63253)/(705906)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Settings are not saved in a file on reopening. (62757)(63254)(63255)/(704977)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Machine Technology database window not opening when using Agie Uniqua Cut P350. (62929)(63256)(63257)/(709954)
- Resolved an issue causing Post Engine > Polar interpolation: incorrect coordinates. (62479)(62480)(62620)/(FD-208)
- Updated to latest version of OptiCAM. (63240)(63241)(63242)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed to post engine crashing when returning head or receptor ID for an op that doesn't have a tool (or the current tool is invalid). (63135)(63136)(63137)
- Resolved an issue causing Workplane output isn't correct during retract. (63153)
- Resolved an issue causing Minimum RPM setting is ignored in ToolSpindleSpeed command output. (62612)(62678)(62679)/(FD-211)
- Resolved an issue when creating a .gcpkg file in Win11, the .info file shows Win10 as the OS. (62879)(63156)(63157)
- Resolved an issue in Post Engine > Rotation Subs are created when there is no rotation. (62634)(62635)(62636)
- TargetNameDestinationOpSeen? boolean now uses ToUppercase() and compares input correctly. (62622)(63007)(63008)
- Fixed spelling error for "feedrateModeCommands". (63032)(63033)
- Removed Dutch installer as local market accept English. (63143)(63144)(63145)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Prime Turning- overcutting can occur depending on the entered value for Lead-In Radius. (62986)(63078)(63079)
- Resolved an issue causing Workplane node creation is inconsistent with "Use Current Rotary Repeat". (62905)(63080)(63081)
- Resolved an issue causing Probe tools do not preserve solid holders when saved to tool files. (63102)(63103)(63104)
- Resolved an issue causing Shrink Wrap – bounding area is including the IT Fixture. (61879)(63111)(63112)/(687144)
- Resolved an issue where Inter rot moves should never use rotary head interop settings. (63089)(63091)(63092)
- Added check to make sure plugins are loaded before loading VMM. (63121)
- Resolved an issue in Prime turning- entering a larger radius for lead-in is not trimming as expected. (61715)(62971)(62972)/(682934, 709631, 710747)
- Resolved an issue in Mill>Hole Process>Gun Drill - When "Stop Spindle before Exit" is checked an error message is produced: There is a spindle control conflict at operation. (62151)(63011)(63012)/(693778)
- Resolved an issue causing Czech installer doesn't have Czech Online Help. (63049)
- Resolved an issue in French version, Cutoff Part Transfer dialogue cutting off Z Grip text field. (63093)/(712982)
- Resolved an issue causing ThreadFromShape? never true for threading operation. (59380)(62390)(62829)
- Resolved an issue where Arguments for CurrentFeedrateMode? and SetFeedrateMode need to be standardized. (62793)(62794)(62795)/(FD-260)
- Resolved an issue causing FeedrateMode command sets rPostStatus.feed_mode to mach_space_upm when using okuma_mach_space_upm or yasnac_mach_space_upm. (62797)(62798)(62799)/(FD-260)
- Resolved an issue causing Operation indexing bug when using Sub Programming with Multi-Part. (63017)(63018)(63037)/(FD-272)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim - Sub-Spindle Stock and Geometry display outside the Chuck Fixture Boundaries. (62871)(62892)(62994)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Rapid collision not reported. (62859)(62860)(62861)
- Resolved an issue causing Plugins are incorrectly displayed as active when accessing menu from the start screen. (62886)(62887)(62888)
- Resolved an issue causing 3D Form Tools are not preserved Saving a Copy to GibbsCAM 2023. (62742)(62749)(62750)
- Resolved an issue causing 5 axis peck tapping > "Equalize Pecks" checkbox option cannot be updated. (62721)(62722)(62824)/(FD-218)
- Resolved an issue causing Rapid collision not reported. (62859)(62860)(62861)
- Updated Harvey tool library (with new catalog from 5-2-2024). (62759)(62760)(62761)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Treading Op - TPI changes reopening process window. (61332)(62714)(62715)/(675518)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - Feature invalid opening in newer version. (62608)(62776)(62777)/(704146)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Extra clearance added to Offset - Makino U6. (62811)(62813)(62814)/(705727)
- Added "cuttingdata.h" to api package. (62781)(62782)(62783)
- Resolved an issue causing Sub-Spindle Stock displays inconsistent results at the beginning of the Simulation. (62748)(62788)(62789)/(705910)
- Resolved an issue causing clash at op clearance using rotary duplication on a non-orthogonal A-axis Fixture. (62800)(62803)(62804)
- Resolved an issue where Milling Rotate tab should consider the axes from Intermediate Tooling Fixtures for the axis labels. (62796)(62809)(62810)
- Updated GARR tool library (with new v6 catalog). (62763)(62724)(62765)
- Resolved an issue causing Broaching - not updating duplicate and rotate value unless redoing 2-3 times. (62207)(62220)/(695595)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Roughing - multiple grooves cut in a random order. (61817)(62590)(62591)/(685870)
- Resolved an issue causing utility markers are displayed in the workspace but the dialog is disabled. (62605)(62609)(62610)/(702604)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM files are not removed when uninstalling GibbsCAM version. (62614)(62615)(62616)
- Resolved Clearance Volumes issue with 3-axis Auto Flipping. (62606)(62617)(62618)
- Resolved an issue in Post Engine > Polar interpolation: incorrect coordinates (+ other issues). (62479)(62480)(62620)/(FD-208)
- Resolved an issue causing Tool Holder selection flickers up and down while Tool Setup Data dialog is open. (57723)(62627)(62628)
- Resolved an issue causing Adv 3D rotate tab does not have singularity settings on rotate tab like other dialogs. (62128)(62650)(62651)
- Resolved an issue in 3D Mill Form Tool>Nominal Parameters - "Virtual Corner Radius" values produce inconsistent results in the toolpath. (62486)(62653)(62654)/(701472)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing the "Graphic Part Face Distance" option is not displayed in the DCD dialog for twin spindle machines. (62574)(62593)(62594)/(702056)
- Resolved an issue causing Edit library becomes unavailable renaming a Fixture library. (61895)(62575)(62576)
- Resolved an issue causing default Flow Axis Set references a FAS that doesn't exist. (62529)(62547)(62577)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Thread Process - "Tool Front" Position is ignored cutting in Z+ direction. (62481)(62553)(62578)/(701789)
- Resolved an issue causing Turn Threading dialog assigns Start and End pitch incorrectly for face threading. (62393)(62561)(62579)/(699509)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Groove Cycles - Produces inconsistent post results after Redo Op and clearing the Process List. (62580)(62585)(62586)/(702601)
- Updated latest OptiCAM release from 4-11-2024. (62558)(62559)(62560)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue on op approach, NodePos should be cancelled as soon as all axes have been fired. (62344)(62359)
- Resolved an issue with display fragmenting after selecting multiple Ops. (62460)(62473)(62474)/(699826)
- Resolved an issue installing Virtual Gibbs installs WireEDM folder in GibbsCAM All User branch folder. (62482)(62484)(62485)/(702182)
- Resolved an issue causing gc_GetOpRotPref returns different result in GC24 than it did in GC23. (62510)(62513)(62514)/(FD-222)
- Resolved an issue causing Interop Regression - Tool tip does not maintain position when B axis rotates. (62487)(62518)
- Resolved an issue causing Advanced 3D>Projection Curves - Legacy file doesn't retain Z Depth at Redo Op. (62461)(62525)(62527)/(701629)
- Resolved an issue in Part Reporter - Issue with Reporter image being zoomed out. (62535)(62548)(62549)/(700889)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - Post changes for an EXCETEK wire. (62299)(62554)/(697311)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - Math exception errors in Simulation . (62413)(62555)/(693433)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - Output direct offset decimal places do not match specified in PP options. (62464)(62557)/(701139)
- Updated OptiCAM to 2024-04-05 release. (62532)(62533)(62534)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Tool crashes through clearance volume when table rotary axis is parked. (62422)(62445)(62466)
- Resolved an issue with Tool Sim, stock is in different location when model is selected. (62458)(62462)(62463)/(699662)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM not registering TechTempl_2024_01 properly. (62468)(62469)(62470)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) - Deburring op toolpath fails to cut entire circumference of the hole. (61730)(62017)/(682911)
- Enhanced OptiCAM - Ability to not have Line number on comment or the Machine alarms. (62181)(62449)/(693598)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in Machine Sim - Machine Components colliding with each other do not report a collision in Simulation. (62442)(62443)/(698527)
- Resolved an issue where Posting process cannot find node in Tree. (62407)(62429)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim - Sub Spindle stock is not displayed for machined part after COPT. (62419)(62421)/(700641)
- Resolved an issue causing Roughing - Material only not working unless Climb is activated in previous Op. (62410)(62416)/(699859)
- Resolved an issue with Op Sim showing red clash marks on material depending on simulation speed. (62387)(62401)/(698183)
- Resolved an issue causing Reporter>Part Report - Reporter Picture Unzoom all elements instead of only the Part. (62397)(62399)/(696947)
- Resolved an issue in OpSim - GC crashes at the end of simulating 5-axis op. (62132)(62374)/(693257)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering Op Sim - the material disappears. (61980)(62372)/(615608)
- Value ranges for Chord Length are more intuitive. (62364)(62369)
- Resolved an issue causing some values entered outside the range for chord length makes you stuck in a loop. (62363)(62368)
- Resolved an issue causing Chord height (mm) value returns error even though value is in the specified limit. (62362)(62367)
- Resolved an issue on op approach, NodePos should be cancelled as soon as all axes have been fired. (62344)(62359)
- Resolved an issue in Check Swiss - falling out of guide bushing check broken. (62357)(62358)
- Resolved an issue with Tool dialogue camera control. (62351)(62352)/(698847)
- Resolved an issue causing bad ProgItr error - Two ops trying to move an axis. (62343)(62345)
- Resolved an issue causing Rotary Broaching - more material removed than specified in external rotary broaching tool. (62406)(62434)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - fails creating feature using manual face selection if first face selected has a hole. (62199)(62450)/(694740)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Wire types are not loaded for SODICK in Active database table selection. (62342)(62457)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - GC crashes when deleting geometry after creating 2D feature. (62264)(62452)/(696944)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Post change request for ONA Prima E250. (62281)(62453)/(695791)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Decimal places in output code doesn't match postprocessor setting. (62347)(62454)/(698673, 701139)
- Resolved an issue in OptiCAM - Extra clearance value less than 0.0005 has no effect on Gcode. (62283)(62455)/(696502)
- Integrated MachineWorks 8.5 patch 12. (62371)
- Integrated OptiCAM 2024.1. (62414)(62415)
- Enhanced OptiCAM - Save wire.opticam file when doing Save a Copy from a package file. (62234)(62451)/(696275)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where Edit - Deselect Special "All Profiles" & "Faces From Selected Profiles" are unavailable. (62336)(62339)
- Resolved an issue where the duplicate#/and angle parameters in the Holes > Rotate tab are not remembered. (62236)/(693791)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM crashes when attempting to save file to a previous version and produces "_io_tmp.z" file in v24.0.57. (62259)(62260)/(696940)
- Resolved an issue causing Values for SFMP, Entry Feed and Contour Feed don't update correctly after changing Cut Depth. (62230)(62231)/(674225)
- Resolved an issue in Lathe Contour - Toolpath no longer conforms to geometry and cuts a straight line through it. (62201)(62235)/(694934)
- Resolved an issue causing 5 Axis (MW) - B-axis Movement in a "locked" 5th operation in posted code. (62246)(62250)/(696126)
- Resolved an issue causing License Checkout Dialog does not always respect the checkbox setting of "always show" being checked or unchecked. (62211)(62261)
- Resolved an issue in v24.0.57 with Save a Copy back to v23. (62267)(62268)/(696970)
- Resolved an issue causing Column Sizes are not retained for WG List and CS List. (62278)(62290)/(697445)
- Resolved an issue causing subsequent import of a SolidWorks 2024 file fails. (62255)/(691830)
- Resolved an issue with Op Data - "TL Offset #" is getting cleared on Redo when locked. (62293)(62295)/(697635)
- Resolved an issue causing GC CRASHES after you attempt to create the second file. (62301)(62302)
- Resolved an issue importing a Parasolid file produces an error message: "Invalid file contents". (62396)(62404)/(699307)
- Resolved an issue crashing due to Parasolid 35.1. (62316)
- Resolved an issue causing Rapid Sim- Stock Body moves at the end of the simulation. (62331)(62338)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe auto-clearance values are different. (62312)(62313)
- Resolved an issue causing incorrect Stock Body is loaded when stock is based on solid model. (62277)(62300)/(FD-159)
- Resolved an issue causing Tools - MFI Tools does not preserve Units, shank sizes, cutting direction, and some other fields when saving a copy to GibbsCAM 2023. (62224)(62225)
- Resolved an issue with Rotary Broaching - unexpected material removal using external rotary broaching tool. (62346)
- Resolved an issue with 5-Axis (MW) - Redoing the op with material only enabled results in error. (62326)/(695137)
- Resolved an issue with Form tool alert message - new line not properly escaped. (62321)
- Resolved an issue with Rendering not showing pecks during 5x (MW) peck drilling cycles. (62309)/(697470)
- Resolved an issue with Start at Op - not showing material removed from some of the previous ops. (62282)/(697151)
- Resolved issues with drag and drop opening SW 2024 file. (62257)/(696834)
- Integrated Parasolid 35.1.252 in GC 2024. (62266)
- Garr Tool Plugin: DB update (62303)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Tools - MFI Tools are not preserved when saving a copy to GibbsCAM 2023. (62179)(62184)
- Resolved an issue causing Solidworks 2024 files do not open or import in GC. (NOTE: this fix only applies to the standard reader, Spatial is not yet supported) (61969)(62221)/(694918)
- Added ability to turn off Virtual Points. (62102)(62148)/(692483)(690412)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Help - Contents: displaying GibbsCAM Help Viewer for GC 2023. (61793)
- Resolved an issue Head Change in interop causes Event Location Overrides to try to override wrong Axis Set. (62166)(62167)/(FD-132)
- Resolved an issue changing TI offset in OpData window takes excessive time. (62168)/(694377)
- Resolved an issue causing Post Mill Hole Process>Peck - Full Out – Peck Drill Cycle values are not preserved (Post Regressions). (62196)(62197)
- Resolved an issue causing Custom Solid toolholder, created within GibbsCAM, does not show in Sim. (62212)(62213)/(695798)
- Added ability to turn off Virtual Points. (62102)(62148)/(692483)(690412)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Rendering with "Skip Unselected Ops" checked produces inconsistent toolpath angle orientations in the simulation. (62178)(62183)/(694568)
- Resolved an issue Posting takes significantly longer if the code window is open. (62170)(62173)/(report from customer)
- Resolved an issue in Machine Manager from Current CS no saving when returning to tab. (62172)(62175)/(Compost Support)
- Resolved an issue causing IT Toolblock Library not getting deleted due to accessing incorrect path. (62131)(62152)/(693137)
- Resolved an issue changing Graphic Part Face Distance doesn't update part position in OpSim. (62141)(62147)/(692983)
- Resolved an issue causing OpSim - Part disappears sometimes when zooming in or out. (62140)(62142)/(692983)
- Resolved an issue in Lace cut - Duplicating and rotating the toolpath is not working. (62124)(62130)/(692330)
- Resolved an issue causing Geometry - Produces incorrect linear angle results with Wrapped Geometry WG's. (62123)(62126)/(692657)
- Resolved an issue with Sim speed in v24. (62112)(62121)/(692309)
- Resolved an issue causing value changes for Spline Machine Tolerance causing machine crash. (62110)(62120) //(692132)
- Resolved an issue where with a tool selected using Mouse line leaves a trail in OpSim. (62116)(62118)/(692284)
- Resolved an issue causing Mill Cut Off Process - Contour Feedrates are ignored. (62082)(62107)
- Resolved an issue causing Mill Hole Process>Peck Tap - Full Out - "Equalize Peck Depths" is ignored. (60281)(62093)
- Resolved an issue causing Holes > Equalize Peck Depths value not properly saved (Mill/Turn ops). (62086)(62087)
- Resolved an issue causing OptiCAM - Post: Arcs using R producing incorrect G-code. (61477)(61830)(61831)/(675481)(686064)
- Resolved an issue causing OpSim - not simulating Lathe Contour Op on 2nd spindle. (62136)(62137)/(693006)
- Resolved an issue causing Active Tool node doesn't show a trace in Machine Sim Watches. (62149)(62150)
- Resolved an issue where adding an additional jaw moves the clamping jaw even though a value is specified. (62065)(62076)/(690637)
- Resolved an issue causing Vector index out of range when viewing fixture. (62071)(62075)
- Resolved an issue in Hole Manager – AFR is not finding 1.5mm diameter holes. (60944)(62062)/(667367)
- Resolved an issue when deleting WG is causing GibbsCAM to crash. (62054)(62061)/(691143)
- Resolved an issue causing MDD version mismatch in part and MDD file in package in this scenario. (62056)(62057)/(690591)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering – Sim stock is shifted in relation to the workspace position. (62047)(62053)/(690831)
- Resolved an issue causing File>Preferences>Additional VMM, MDD, Custom Drill Cycles, Machine Sim Path - Custom Drill Cycles are ignored extracted from a Pack and Go file. (62046)(62051)/(690570)
- Resolved an issue causing AptCL edge path output is only generated if mill crc is on. (62033)(62045)
- Resolved an issue after first click and close the Sweep solid button works in reverse. (62022)(62027)
- Resolved an issue causing unzoom moves camara out into space while "Analyze Cut Part" window is open. (62006)(62026)/(689883)
- Resolved an issue where error messages are "hard-coded". (62001)(62024)(62097)(62098)
- Resolved an issue in Advanced 3D - Inconsistent toolpath is produced with different Tool Units. (62021)(62023)/(690506)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – lollipop tools and stepped or tapered shafts are getting mapped incorrectly. (61993)(62018)/(689282)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – incorrect tool mapping to ModuleWorks arbor. (61674)(61764)(62016)/(682521)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – taper shank tool mapping. (60680)(62015)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – unable to control the shaft clearance in the 5-axis process, especially for processes using auto tilt. (60105)(62014)
- Resolved an issue causing unknown exception when redoing 5-Axis Parameters process in this case. (60643)(61975)/(659997)
- Resolved an issue in Machine Sim - Ignores Linear axis simulation when Tools have a zero value in "Show Tool Holders". (61758)(61973)/(684517)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD>Intermediate Tooling Tab>Fixture - When changing Stock Size Diameters, "Show In Workspace" does not update changes in the Work space or Thumb View. (61936)
- Resolved an issue with Garr Tool Library, importing tool imports wrong data. (61602)(61910)(61911)/(681764)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering – setting the 'Start at Op' in this file causes a system crash. (61440)(61783)/(678390)
- Resolved an issue in Mill Contour Process - At Redo Op and error message is produced "Out of Memory". (62078)(62091)/(691821)
- Resolved an issue causing unnecessary Interop Rapid movements. (62048)(62094)/(690209)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering – part in the workspace versus part in Op Sim space. (62000)(62143)/(689454)
- Integrated Hole FR 2024 library. (62063)(62064)
- Added macro ability to set/get full profile threadmill thread style. (61829)(62070)/(685239)
- Changed Copyright statement, in the About box, should be to "Cimatron Gibbs, LLC." (62037)(62044)
- Changed Copyright statement, in the splash screen, to "Cimatron Gibbs, LLC." (62036)(62043)
- Changed GibbsCAM Publisher, in Control Panel, to "Cimatron Gibbs, LLC." (62035)(62040)
- Added ability to group linear axis adjustment within IT fixturing. (61931)(62028)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in Getting Started - GibbsCAM on the Web: some links don't work. (60452)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) – incorrect tool mapping to ModuleWorks arbor. (61674)(61764)(62016)/(682521)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD>Intermediate Tooling Tab - "Angle" values are ignored. (61887)(61900)
- Resolved an issue in DCD>Intermediate Tooling Tab>Fixture - Inconsistent results are produced in the Workspace with Stackable fixtures entering "Angle" values. (61897)(61901)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM freezes on rendering surfacing Op. (58574)(61935)/(615608)
- Resolved an issue in Mill Cutoff – Strategy Single Cut is not offsetting toolpath for the tool radius. (61899)(61937)/(687351)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Manager - "From Current CS" is ignored. (61894)(61942)/(687976)
- Resolved an issue causing post commands that query fixture info to fail. (61945)(61953)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD not retaining entered Chuck Face Z value. (61950)(61957)/(687521)
- Resolved an issue causing bad XYZ output when in an EachArcSeg (or other?) loop when part orientation is used. (61951)(61961)
- Resolved an issue causing IT Previews do not center correctly, and fixed other problems. (61954)(61962)
- Resolved an issue with Op Sim view not matching Part view when using same viewport. (61921)(61967)/(687980)
- Resolved an issue missing Tool ID field in Tool dialogue in v24 Czech version. (61978)/(689417)
- Resolved an issue in PostHaste – Selected Ops Only was no longer available. (61971)(61979)/(689457)
- Resolved an issue causing incorrect depth Z in a multi-process Roughing and Contour. (61984)(61985)/(689456)
- Resolved an issue causing odd window scaling causes opening Probing dialog to crash GibbsCAM. (61987)(61988)(61989)
- Resolved an issue causing crash when alt clicking in view circle dialog. (61992)(61994)
- Resolved an issue causing Macro STL export using get_selected_solid_list and first_solid_ref does not work. (61997)(61998)
- Resolved an issue causing Output of workplane coordinates is different between v23 and v24 (Regression Issue). (61908)(62002)
- Resolved an issue in Solid drawing performance. (62004)(62005)
- Resolved an issue causing Post – output that disregards MillOpCS mode. (62009)(62010)/(690048)
- Resolved an issue causing Tools>Tool Setup Data - Home, ISO, or Top views are ignored in the Tool rendering Image. (61983)(62012)/(689719)
- Added support for Autodesk Vault 2024. (61588)(61596)
- NLO Server Service when first installed will be set to "Automatic (Delayed Start)" as this is a better option than Manual. (61916)
- Integrated updated EULA for GibbsCAM 2024, revised on December 4, 2023. (61922)(61923)
- Made workplane node make sense for 5-axis ops; Allow Euler angle output. EulerAngle# command should return EulerAngles that agree with that workplane.(52190)(61990)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – MW Advanced check box is causing UI differences in v24. (61527)(61528)/(680023)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim not displaying tool holder correctly. (61707)(61708)
- Opened CoroPlus Tool Library in the same units as GibbsCAM part units. Regardless of the units shown in the DCD and in CoroPlus, the tool that is imported from CoroPlus into GibbsCAM will always be metric, because CoroPlus only exports as metric.(61806)(61833)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD clearance value changes upon a shrinkwrap and undo. (61841)(61844)/(686404)
- Resolved an issue with foreign version Macro menu, where adding a new macro creates a second macro menu. (61795)(61845)/(685487)
- Resolved an issue in DCD – not retaining (Distance of the face of stock from the chuck or part station) field. (61823)(61849)/(687521)
- Resolved an issue causing Mill Pocket Process - Produces error message at Redo OP "tag is invalid or dead" ( Redo Regressions). (61851)(61856)
- Resolved an issue with Unzoom location in GC24. (61859)(61860)/(686398)
- Resolved an issue causing Solid revolve command fails for angles below 360 deg. (61865)(61866)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) – Exception in the calculation for the stock (morph between 2 curves). (61868)(61869)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – Multi Blade is causing a system crash. (61881)(61843)
- Resolved an issue causing 5 axis>Muti Blade machining-CRASHES at Redo Op. (Redo Regressions). (61772)(61882)
- Resolved an issue reverting to previous tab order for Mill Contour Process window. (61867)(61904)/(686389)(686756)
- Resolved an issue causing Geometry Expert dialog font size is reduced compared to previous version. (61907)(61909)/(688141)
- Resolved an issue in Vault> Vault Settings - Vault Version drop-down menu selection in not retained closing GibbsCAM. (61706)(61915)
- Student Installer is available for GC 2024 and later. (61839)(61840)
- Added version number to application icon to allow for easier distinction between major versions. (61616)(61863)/(669047)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue saving file as old results in out of memory error. (61825)(61826)
- Resolved an issue with the German version shortcuts for the Migration, Recovery, and Registration Tools for v24.0.48. (61805)(61815)/(685676)
- Resolved an issue in Mill Cutoff - There were 2 "hard-coded" strings. (61809)(61810)
- Resolved an issue with Reporter > 'Big Tool' report image for Form Tool missing red crosshair. (61803)(61808)/(685326)
- Resolved an issue in Machine Sim - Reports False collisions with Fixture/Tool Holder in Simulation. (61790)(61807)/(685354)
- Resolved an issue in Mill Contour - Redo of older operation has different results when opening the process dialog or not opening and redoing. (61796)(61804)/(685516)
- Resolved an issue causing GC freezes when selecting WFO row with lots of ops assigned to it. (61800)(61802)/(685521)
- Resolved an issue mapping CoroPlus MILSQS types into Endmill or Countersink based on corner chamfer width (CHW). (61788)(61789)
- Resolved an issue in Advanced 3D - Legacy file fails to produce any toolpath when applying Stock Type as "Solid". (61773)(61786)(61787)/(684978)
- Resolved an issue causing OP Sim- Inconsistent results are produced with 'Show Skipped Ops' in Simulation. (61781)(61782)/(679017)
- Resolved an issue causing explicit point not able to load point name using custom MDD. (61780)(61781)/(684837)
- Resolved an issue causing color ramp editor is shifting colors in the opposite direction. (61775)(61779)
- Resolved an issue causing Lace cut regression. (61777)(61778)
- Resolved an issue with Post window > 'Tool ID Codes' tab items overlapping. (61770)(61771)/(684962)
- Resolved an issue causing Face-Rotary toolpath segmenter is flipping the tool-B-axis rotary solution. (61763)(61767)
- Resolved an issue causing GC crashes after removing the fixture and clicking Edit library. (61765)(61766)
- Resolved an issue causing Event Location Overrides - Triggers, as implemented, are inadequate. Need to be able to exclude as well. (61483)(61720)(61721)
- Resolved an issue in Extrude - Geometry is not extruded if not coincident to a coordinate system plane. (59021)(61541)/(622328)
- Added ability to define non-sequential flow numbering in the sync definition using comma separated values. (52187)(61640)(61641)(61642)/(666736)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Post MacroDrillMill – Final Z Drill Depth is ignored. (60479)(61568)
- Resolved an issue with WG and CS Lists defaulting to "Category View" when new file is created, instead of last selected. (61590)(61595)/(680032)
- Resolved an issue in CPTL- Insert preview issue observed after importing Prime B insert using CPTL. (61597)(61599)
- Resolved an issue causing crash when opening Op Sim or Op Manager if there is an Op Comment in Korean in Korean OS. (61600)(61603)/(680739)
- Resolved an issue causing CPTL- Misplaced toolholder upon import of assy. from CPTL. (61601)(61604)
- Resolved an issue causing CPTL importer retains and displays multiple listings of the same identical tool in "Select tool type" flyout. (61617)(61618)
- Resolved an issue causing CPTL- not applying the imported tool to the process dialog. (61623)(61631)
- Resolved an issue causing CPTL- Importing a tool containing cutting data causes subsequent tool imports to use same cutting data. (61621)(61632)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Hole Process>Gun Drill - "Approach RPM" value is ignored when approaching the Work Piece. (61643)(61652)/(682192)
- Resolved an issue causing CPTL- initial import of a tool not showing tool image within the tool summary flyout. (61637)(61655)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – Triangle Mesh – Flatlands produces a warning that the advanced feature is turned off. (61492)(61662)/(679005)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – Triangle Mesh Flatlands reverts to Triangle Mesh Rough – Regression from v24.0.32. (61537)(61663)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – Triangle Mesh generates surfaces link type is not supported. (61406)(61664)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) - Warning appears when initially attempting to enter a decimal point in retracts>entry feed distance. (60943)(61665)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – Triangle Mesh – Flatlands pattern is no longer on the menu. (61493)(61667)
- Resolved an issue where older files with an empty CS name cause crashing. (61668)(61669)(61670)
- CPTL- Retain size and position of Coroplus Tool Library Importer window when accessed from flyout. (61620)(61646)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – New Wireframe strategy 2-Axis Contouring is not licensed. (61408)(61409)
- Resolved an issue causing Utility markers in Advanced3D process are deleted on rerun. (61184)(61456)/(669911)
- "Save As" is now disallowed for packages. (61513)(61558)
- Resolved an issue causing Spinning Cursor won't stop in IT with preview. (61515)(61559)
- Resolved an issue causing Probing toolpath is produced in the opposite direction. (61563)(61564)
- Resolved an issue causing GibssCAM CRASHES closing the file with the DCD dialog Open. (61151)(61569)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine/op Sim showing tool and holder travelling significant distance in -Z. (61572)(61576)(61577)/(679884)
- Resolved an issue causing UpdateResFileCk error 193 when opening part file. (61573)(61580)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim Watches do not show HVD Location values if Straighten drop-down is set to Off. (61579)(61581)
- Resolved an issue causing Holes - Load H1 D button is not working properly. (61575)(61586)
- Resolved an issue in Prime Turning – Min\Max cutting range for upper versus lower turret. (61520)(61587)/(679571)
- Resolved an issue in Contour Process - Rotate: Request to add fourth option Align With. (61584)(61589)/(681218)
- Resolved an issue causing Inventor file takes a lot of time to open if WireEDM is not enabled in licensing. (61551)(61556)/(680223)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – At Singularity Starting Alignment (Align With). (61032)(61033)
- Resolved an issue in GC 2024/2025 - Using a rainbow key takes longer to launch than using a hasp key. (61452)(61453)
- Resolved an issue causing FaceMill tool preview looks weird when Head Length is greater than Flute Length. (61462)(61463)
- Resolved an issue causing Probing > Single surface (along X or Y): Z level decreases for no apparent reason. (61466)(61467)(61470)
- Resolved an issue causing Prime Inserts imported from CoroPlus with an inscribed diameter of 11 don't load in the tool dialog properly. (61468)(61469)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM Crashes after rendering in Simulation and Redoing All Ops. (61473)(61484)
- Resolved an issue where extremely low framerate seen in v24 for this user using Remote Desktop Connection. (61458)(61485)/(677985)
- Resolved an issue causing Utility Markers are getting updated too often. (61486)(61488)
- Resolved an issue causing Hole name is getting cropped as the first column is not expandable. (61489)(61495)/(678859)
- Resolved an issue causing Macro command GET_NUM_SELECTED_SHAPES with OPEN+CLOSED param generates error. (61499)(61500)
- Resolved an issue causing Mill Cutoff - changes Mach CS after performing redo all active ops. (61509)(61511)/(679386)
- Resolved an issue in DCD>Intermediate Tooling Tab - Preview Toolgroup does not display tools when empty station is selected. (61490)(61518)/(679379)
- Resolved an issue causing Tool preview is faceted when unit is set to mm. (61517)(61523)/(679395)
- Resolved an issue where G10 to post out the same decimal as in the wire offset. (61512)(61524)(61525)/(678170)
- Resolved an issue where Mill Cutoff processes shouldn't allow to use Lathe Tools. (61529)(61530)
- Resolved an issue causing Metric Inch conversion makes the tool position incorrect relative to spindle gauge line. (61051)(61533)/(669072)
- Resolved an issue causing Link step written to PI path with wrong hard coded Boolean value for On steps. (61544)(61545)(61546)
- Resolved an issue causing Auto clearance recalculation unnecessarily triggered when loading op tile bitmaps for Inactive ops. (61549)(61550)
- Resolved an issue in Mill Cutoff - Saw/Slot Mill cuts off below centerline. (61521)(61554)
- Probing > Shapes > Operation adds a new 'Vary Depth With Geo.' mode. (61413)(61475)
- Added separate "Mill Cutoff" strings in String Table for Select Process Type and Tab in the MillCutoff dialog. (61478)(61479)
- Updated OptiCAM to 2023.2.3. (61506)(61507)(61508)
- Added Support for Inventor 2024 files. (61135)(61553)
- An option has been added to prog itr params to allow conversion for LineIJK features to RotFrameLineIJK. (61502)(61503)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Rotary Probing - Two touches were produced in Simulation with "Two Touch" unchecked. (61316)(61397)
- Resolved an issue causing IT > Fixture not showing in workspace. (61335)(61396)
- Resolved an issue causing Macro system does not support "Other" for lathe tool holders when both other & none are valid options. (60353)(61398)
- Resolved an issue causing Macros do not support setting lathe holder type to ATC. (60354)(61399)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering - Playing at full speed results in a terrible framerate for VoluTurn Ops. (61423)(61424)/(677647)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Manager's Fast Feeds Convert drop-down doesn't retain "Only 5-Axis Connect Rapids" item. (61433)(61434)
- Resolved an issue displaying English strings "Calculate TP Len/Time" in foreign version. (61448)(61450)
- Resolved an issue causing Utility markers in Advanced3D process are deleted on rerun. (61184)(61456)/(669911)
- Resolved an issue causing Solid Holder used as Form Tool message, even when no tools. (61351)(61460)
- Resolved an issue where Toolblock and Block references should be changed to reflect Fixtures. (61298)(61299)
- Added Post Engine commands to support Rotary Axis Probing. (60983)(60984)
- Added Reporter command for "Spring Passes". (61457)(61461)/(678154)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Virtual points appear in the wrong place with geometry in sub-spindle CS with Graphic Part Face Distance. (61349)(61350)
- Resolved an issue where StackEditor should be updated or closed when IT deleted, etc. (61348)(61356)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe threading - RPM incorrectly populated with the surface speed value. (61359)(61360)
- Resolved Macro issue found running new category Wg & CS commands if dialogs are in list view. (61342)(61361)/(675466)
- Resolved an issue causing redundant Calc Feed button shows as available for taps. (61363)(61364)
- Resolved an issue causing Part Station, within the Properties dialog, does not update when re-associating solid. (61216)(61372)
- Resolved an issue causing Legacy file doesn't display spindle collets in the Simulation. (61377)(61382)
- Resolved an issue causing Probing crashes when GOTO target is set. (61381)(61383)(61384)
- Changed label of "Speed" column to "Surface Speed" for turning and mill tools. In Material dialog, changed "Calc RPM" button to "Calc Speed", like the Feeds and Speeds table dialog. (61368)(61390)/(676273)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Form Tool – final retract move rapids through the part. (61378)(61392)/(676487)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Form Tool – Pull Off Wall produces huge z-axis retract moves. (61379)(61393)/(676487)
- Resolved an issue in Toolblock and Block references should be changed to reflect Fixtures. (61298)(61299)
- Added Balloons for Rotary Axis Probing Process. (60850)(60919)
- Added missing balloons for Probing Process. (61269)(61270)
- Rotary Axis Probing: subscribe to new MDD axis change event. (61271)(61272)
- Resolved an issue causing Show In Workspace checked but fixture is not visible in workspace. (61334)(61343)/(675629)
- Resolved an issue in Lathe Contour – system crash when applying Variable B. (61336)(61337)(61341)/(675803)
- Resolved an issue causing Custom Constraints - Orientation mismatches when set to Single Axis Rotation and 2,3,4,5. (61253)(61333)
- Resolved an issue in Process window - Mach CS label is now to see full name in the dropdown. (61328)(61329)
- Resolved an issue causing Feeds & Speeds table not working with taps. (61325)(61326)
- Resolved an issue causing Ops with invalid Polar/Cylindrical setting pick up previously ignored "Angle" rotation. (61312)(61317)/(673553)
- Resolved an issue missing balloons and CSH IDs for the following edit text field: Holes dialog: X Offset and Diameter fields in Lathe drilling. (59311)(61314)(61315)
- Resolved an issue causing error generating custom report with 2D Form Tool. (61308)(61310)(61311)/(675196)
- Resolved an issue if IT > Fixture vise exceeds entered Axis limits. (61301)(61319)
- Rotary Axis Probing: subscribe to CS callbacks to reflect changes on Process Dialog. (61339)(61340)
- Enhanced Unit Testing - Allow "Single Part" Testing with GCPkg. (58532)(61243)(61266)(61267)
- Enhanced Post Configurations - Additional Variables. (60809)(60810)(60999)
- Probing - Improved Rectangular Pocket & Boss routines. (52672)(61318)/(00799751)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Custom Constraints - OK button is missing when set to Single-Axis Rotation and Any. (61252)(61255)
- Resolved an issue causing 3D Form Linear Broach Tool not applying solid model correctly. (61174)(61291)/(669968)
- Resolved an issue causing Macro command SET_PART_DATA STOCK_RAD does not work to set the value to something smaller than its current value. (61227)(61229)(61230)/(673728)
- Resolved an issue with 'Face Blend Tolerance' value in File > Preferences > Interface. (61236)(61237)/(673715)
- Resolved an issue causing Custom Constraints - Orientation if changed with Machine Sim open doesn't update. (61251)(61254)
- Resolved an issue causing Fixture IT programmable axes cannot be output by the post engine. (61260)(61261)
- Resolved an issue causing Tool Dialog - incorrect MFI D tool display in preview window. (59868)(61276)/(637786)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Holes – LDrillProcDiag warning when attempting to change Diameter field. (59869)(61277)/(637786)
- Resolved an issue in Lathe Holes – MFI D cutting different depth depending on tool holder vs none. (59870)(61278)/(637786)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM stops responding during Machine Simulation. (60736)(61279)/(662647)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Holes – MFI D incorrect depth of hole. (61281)(61282)/(637786)
- Resolved an issue causing Lathe Contour Op: Rotate - Override Sub Position unchecks after reopening the dialog. (61295)(61296)(61297)/(674857)
- Probing > Rotary Axis: Add logic to track down relevant part rotary axes. (61139)(61140)
- New callback(s) needed: DCD change(s) can affect part rotary axis information. (61256)(61257)
- Added support for new WG and CS Category functionality to Macros. (60474)(61212)/(655544)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in Rendering – no simulation of broaching operations. (61132)(61134)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM Crashed several times during the MachineSimulation. (61110)(61124)
- Resolved an issue in new Engraving Contour Process works not on Slice Profiler. (61113)(61123)
- Resolved an issue in Pocket Process - Redo/Do It not available when Turning ON/Off Slice Cylinder Profiler. (61118)(61121)(61122)/(669922)
- Resolved an issue in Lathe Tools>Custom>Parametric -No Tool Holder is displayed in the Tool Rendering Image when the "Lead Angle" is larger than 90 degrees. (60946)(61114)/(666953)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering - Synched Prime Turning operations ignore removing material in Simulation. (61098)(61105)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM crashes after switching MDD. (61101)(61104)
- Resolved an issue DCD>Intermediate Tooling tab>Fixture - Legacy file produces an error message that the Receptor type is incompatible with Fixtures. (61093)(61094)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Data - Toolblock/Fixture Library selection is not retained checking "Uses Multi-Positions Toolblocks". (61079)(61080)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – Wireframe 2-Axis Contouring. (61053)(61054)
- Resolved an issue causing Mill Contour Process - Produces invalid edge toolpath if Spring Passes is applied. (60685)(61047)/(661194)
- Resolved an issue causing Processes>Tool - Speed calculation is ignored after the third table. (61007)(61008)
- Resolved an issue causing unable to calculate using "Calc Speed", "Calc Feed" in Feeds and Speed Table. (60877)(60923)
- Added sizes to lathe insert database for CoroTurn TR inserts. (61120)(61126)
- Added "Solids Light Edition" (SLE) option to software and LicenseDesk. (61106)(61119)
- Improved Coroplus Tool library web login retention. (61127)(61128)
- Rotary probing: GUI upgrade. (61071)(61072)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Custom solid tool holders not imported for 3D Form Tools using .prc2 files. (60861)(60882)(60907)/(665897)
- Resolved an issue in DCD>Intermediate Tooling tab>Fixture - "Show In Workspace" was ignored, entering Offset Axis or Angle values. (60883)(60910)(60925)
- Resolved an issue causing Probe touch point indicators in simulation are not drawn as expected. (60885)(60911)(60927)
- Resolved an issue in Migration Package - having a . in file name creates a different file type. (60891)(60912)(60929)
- Resolved an issue causing Reamer tool with options does not save non-cutting diameter. (60898)(60903)(60914)
- Resolved an issue causing WFO Restriction system complains that automatically-assigned WFOs are manually-assigned. (60750)(60916)
- Resolved an issue when attempting to restrict a manually-assigned WFO, the dialog has an empty operation list. (60752)(60918)
- Resolved an issue causing Post Configurations - Junk values are seen in Default R value box. (60890)(60928)
- Resolved an issue in Probing>Rotary Axis - Not seeing Red X on op when the plug-in is turned off. (60901)(60931)
- Resolved an issue causing the Coroplus plugin throws an exception when attempting to send tools. (60932)(60933)
- Resolved an issue causing Lace Cut - CS doesn't remain selected in Mach CS in Rotate tab. (60936)(60941)(60942)/(666940)
- Resolved an issue causing NLO server 2024 - Registering the license through GibbsCAM Registration tool fails. (60955)(60964)
- Resolved an issue in Prime B Tool - Tool Insert size is not preserved by selecting Tip Radius of .063 (60972)(60974)
- Added unsupported tool message when user attempts to create {variable depth} engraving op with an unsupported tool. (60880)(60909)(60924)
- Resolved an issue causing unexpected results when applying singularity orientations. (60975)(60997)
- Resolved an issue causing Orientation - reopening the dialog resets the precision to 15. (61003)(61004)
- Resolved an issue causing Orientation - values carry over to a new file. (61001)(61009)
- Resolved an issue undoing WG/CS creation leaves WG/CS dropdown out of sync. (61016)(61018)
- Resolved an issue where enable simple rotation functionality around an IT fixture axis. (60865)(61025)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD cylinder diagrams arrows indicate diameter, but sometimes it's a radius. (61022)(61028)
- Resolved an issue causing overlay geometry does not show as expected within simulation. (61000)(61029)
- Resolved an issue causing Prime turning- Cut depth appears to have a rounding issue calculating Max display. (60969)(61031)
- Resolved an issue in Op Sim - GibbsCAM Locks Up at upload of Simulation. (61043)(61046)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD - Chuck Width values are not retained Saving the file. (61055)(61056)
- Resolved an issue with tool holder preview in 'Edit Tool List' not showing holder correctly without importing same tool back to back. (61036)(61057)(61058)/(669243)
- Resolved an issue changing part station from DCD menu can cause unnecessary update. (61059)(61060)
- Resolved an issue causing Fixture Library - Kinematic tree gets deleted when Selecting "Other" Fitting Type. (61061)(61065)
- Resolved an issue with Op Sim, models disappear and GibbsCAM stops responding. (60892)(61068)/(666495)
- Added ProgItr errors for polar/cylindrical alignment errors. (60743)(60904)(60915)
- Migration Package - Indicate that the package being created is for the current open version. (60913)(60893)
- The curvature dialog is not be able to be seen when hovering over dialogs. (60945)(60949)
- Improved Post configuration (GUI) - Controls need proper alignment. (60965)(60966)
- Showed virtual mid-points for circular edges without having to extract geometry first. (61069)(61070)
- Added balloons and context id for "Tool" button to all applicable processes. Currently, 5-axis dialog does not support balloons. (60787)(60905)
- Added balloons for the "At-Singularity Starting Alignment" controls on the process Rotate tab. (60856)(60906)(60921)
- Added balloons for new controls Angle ET and CB and Orientation Button for both Cuboid and Cylindrical stock pages. (60863)(60908)(60922)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim - Sub-Spindle Chuck Body display in the wrong Orientation. (60875)
- Resolved an issue in DCD>Intermediate Tooling Tab - Tool rendering Image and Simulation produces incorrect results entering "Angle" Values. (60874)
- Resolved an issue in Probing>Rotary Axis - Clearance, Distance Between Points, Offset Along X, Offset Along Y and Work Offset values are not retained at Redo OP. (60862)
- Resolved an issue in Probing>Rotary Axis - "Overtravel Distance" or "Angular Position Tolerance" fields are enabled on first dialog load when checkboxes are unchecked. (60855)
- Resolved an issue changing from Multi-part to Single-part w/o Machine Sim open causes the model to rotate after each op. (60853)/(665888)
- Resolved an issue in Machine Manager - Axis Vector values are not retained in between selection of Turret Nodes. (60847)/(663802)
- Resolved an issue causing GC crashes opening Load Spindle Bar Feed Utility op. (60831)/(661716)
- Resolved an issue causing GibbsCAM crashes when deleting large numbers of hidden WGs. (60823)/(665521)
- Resolved an issue with Tool dialogue > Spot Drill > Tip Angle not refreshing when opening next tool. (60822)/(665358)
- Resolved an issue causing the housing is no longer hidden when the machine simulation is started. (60821)/(663929)
- Resolved an issue when Redo of operation causes syncs to be changed and prog iterator errors to occur. (60817)/(664463)
- Resolved an issue causing WG list does not refresh after importing Parasolid file that adds a WG. (60793)/(664134)
- Resolved an issue in Swarf Milling - GC crashes setting Max Angle Step to 0 and redoing. (60741)/(663040)
- Resolved an issue causing AutoWiz produces error message on first run in this file. (60658)/(660818)
- Resolved an issue causing Probing>Rotary Axis - Wrong behavior when loading/unloading probing option (using plug-in manager). (60873)
- Resolved an issue causing new NLO Installer created duplicate firewall rules for each installation. (60963)
- Integrated MachineWorks 8.5 (60763)
- Added a new better icon representation for Mill Cutoff Process. (60700)
- Displayed Mill Cutoff Operation tile icon differently between Saw/Slot Mill and End Mill method. (60699)
- Enhanced Body Bag - retaining it's view setting. Migration Tool supports migration of this setting. (60599)/(657540)
- Added functionality to keep the Cut off (Remaining) part after a Mill Cutoff Operation. (60290)
- Prime Turning tool - added new Nose radius for the B-Type insert. (60146)/(644953)
- PrimeTurning - added new CoroTurn B12 size inserts and holders. (60131)
- Add ability to create a "Migration Package". (49910)
- Intermediate Tooling > Ability to select more than one Fixture Type in the MachineData dialog at specific Attachmend Nodes. (43834)
- Added links to licensing related error messages pointing to "Licensing FAQ" document we have on Gibbs Online page. (60702)
- Ability to automatically load feeds and speeds parameters provided by Tool Manufacture in our Process Operations. (34516)
- A new NLO installer is for the new licensing provided with GC 2024 and later. (60815)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Clearance Volume appears in wrong place in simulation. (60803)
- Resolved an issue where 3D CRC should be unchecked when using 5-axis Drilling. (60369)
- Resolved an issue in Machine Sim/Op Sim - Inconsistent rendering speeds are produced upon slider speed setting. (60140)/(644634)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) – Triangle Mesh -Pencil switches to Triangle Mesh -Rough. (59939)/(639412)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) – Triangle Mesh Projection switches to Triangle Mesh Rough. (59929)/(638790)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) – Maximum Stepover is not getting applied in Constant Z + Constant Cusp. (59192)/(626373)
- Showed descrete angles in a menu for Single Axis Rotation with number of rotations > 1. (60772)
- Added more control over Polar and Cylindrical Milling toolpath solution. (48397)/(5605-10214248)
- Added a new Tool Cut Data Table dialog to manage and control Feed and Speed data on a per-tool basis. (35296)/(RGC-82594-997, MFS-16171-415)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue in Intermediate tooling - problem if folder on a server with limited access rights. (51072)(51328)/(CAS-2417453-F6Z4H2)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – missing (DHC dialog) dynamic holder collision avoidance . (59934)/(638790)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – GibbsCAM UI is missing multiple cuts functionality in the triangle mesh pencil strategy. (60147)/(644781)
- Resolved an issue in 5-Axis (MW) – GibbsCAM UI is missing constant cusp functionality in the triangle mesh. (60150)/(644781)
- Resolved an issue causing Machine Sim freezes on Lathe Contour Op 26. (60404)/(652435)
- Resolved an issue causing Rendering – stock and fixture will disappear when using skip unselected ops. (60487)/(656129)
- Resolved an issue causing 5-Axis (MW) – parallel cuts op generates an exception (multipass is not supported). (60513)/(656678)
- Resolved an issue in Rendering - Collision Detection is ignored with Custom Holders. (60515)/(656955)
- Resolved an issue in Machine Sim - Machine, Stock, or tools are not visible in the Simulation. (60556)/(657113)
- Added ability to support Milling Cut Off Tool (Saw) capabilities in a Milling environment. (42329)/(AVS-42843-799, 5605-10171151)
- The new "Generate Toolpath from: Monotonic profile" setting should solve customers' problems using Form tools. (48320)/(CAS-124124-T3Z9L7)
- Enable stacking for intermediate tooling fixtures assemblies. (53407)/(618344)
- Added ability to enter X, Y, and Z Offsets values in DCD for Fixtures. (60456)/(654633)
- Added new UtilityFields.dll. (60672)
- Added ability to control reference points for Lathe B-Axis Tools. (60642)/(659999)
- Added Tool Cut Data Table dialog access to GC processes. (60721)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue using "Ramp Down" option on vertical walls produces one spiral continues stroke toolpath rather than retracts, or Entry/Exit moves, after each ramping z-step. (32554)/(UWX-13631-333, CIE-14356-539, TFD-65766-668, UCN-63777-547, INL-61388-824, CAS-2421032-W0Q9Q8)
- Resolved an issue causing Material only doesn't work for Conventional cut contouring op. (60461)
- Resolved an issue creating an empty operation between stacked operations. (60572)/(657814)
- Resolved an issue in WFO Dialog – Selecting the "By CS" filter resorts to “By Operation” the next time the dialog is opened. (60656)/(660771)
- Integrated ModuleWorks 2023.04. (60399)
- Added new CoroPlus files. (60610)
- Added new ModuleWorks dll. (60650)
- Added new UtilityFields.dll. (60672)
- Enhanced WFO GUI- Option to increment "All WFOs' using Post dialog. (57069)
- Enhanced Face Milling – toolpath rapids across the nested shapes. (48448)(58490)/(CAS-2420093-W8M5H1, 00703479)
- Enhanced WFO Filtering Support in Post Dialog (60570)
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue causing Contour doesn't produces Material Only path if its located in the same Process tile with Pocket. (8135)/(AOY-96621-635, MLQ-11575-739, GRK-64879-736, ANB-89824-386, UVB-66557-483, QJH-74654-421, 00614211)
- Resolved an issue causing Material only doesn't work for Conventional cut contouring op. (60461)
- Resolved an issue causing automatic system naming of "User CS, mod" is problematic with included parentheses. (60462)/(655125)
- Resolved an issue causing DCD - Part Units Radial buttons are not retained closing and Re-opening dialog. (60524)/(655555)
- Resolved an issue in Mill Cutoff - Saw Style, Two Cuts Same Direction, Use Position Traversing - can't control retract height. (60419)
- Ability to engrave any TrueType font with an angle pointed tool. (39280)
- Mill Form Tool Alternate Programming Parameters. (60273)